This directory contains jpegs of electron density maps of the solar corona at a height of 7 solar radii from Sun centre. They are created using a tomography method applied to STEREO SECCHI COR2 polarised brightness observations, detailed in: Morgan, H. (2019) An Atlas of Coronal Electron Density at 5R☉. II. A Spherical Harmonic Method for Density Reconstruction. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 242, 3. The data processing and calibration steps are detailed in Morgan, H. (2015). An Atlas of Coronal Electron Density at 5R⊙. I. Data Processing and Calibration. The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series, Volume 219, Issue 2, article id. 23, 21 pp., doi: 10.1088/0067-0049/219/2/23 These maps were created in 2019/04, and currently are provided as jpegs only. In a few months, following publication of these maps, fits files will be provided for general use. Maps of higher resolution, and for different heights, are also available on request. If you are interested in using the maps for research, outreach or any other purpose, please contact Huw Morgan, for permission. Both papers listed above should be cited.