Calculation of linelists for diatomic molecules
Since 2012 I have worked on a range of molecules including:
- Chromium Hydride (CrH) & Manganese Hydride (MnH) which are of interest in Brown Dwarfs.
- SH, NS, SiO, PO, PS which are of interest in exoplanets and circumstellar environments.
- NeH+, ArH+, KrH+, XeH+ which are of potential interest as tracers in the ISM.
In terms of applications, I am interested in modelling molecular spectra in sunspots and investigating diatomics as probes of sunspot magnetic field strength. I have written preliminary code for modelling the Zeeman-shift for diatomic molecules which will be further developed by Shaun Donnelly. I am also interested in investigating if machine learning can be used to aid the identification of diatomic molecules in sunspots and hence am looking to develop a potential PhD project in this area.